SciUp - articles and scientific journals in a new interactive form. The new presentation of a library of scientific journals and articles makes science accessible to everyone. Form your scientific library, subscribe to journals, receive the latest issues of the journals right after their publication.
Huge library of journals
Engaged in science, writing a term paper or essay, thesis or dissertation?! Discover access to a huge library of articles and scientific journals in the SciUp app.
The articles are sourced from top peer-reviewed scientific journals, publishers of higher education institutions, and authoritative research establishments. The journals are included in national and international scientometric databases and indexed in scientific citation indices.
Fresh issues of journals
Publishers regularly release fresh issues of journals. Archives of the journals from the past years are also available. Subscribe to the journals you are interested in and receive the latest journal issues instantly delivered to the SciUp app. Stay up to date with the latest scientific publications.
Search for scientific literature
Essays, term papers, theses, research papers, or dissertations always start with a search for scientific literature. SciUp app allows you to quickly find scientific articles on the desired topic and download articles for free in PDF format. With a vast database of scientific articles in the SciUp app you can easily write the best essay, dissertation, term paper or thesis.
Articles on all topics
Periodicals of scientific journals are presented in all scientific disciplines: economics, medicine, law, pedagogy, philosophy, psychology, physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, culture, history, and others.
Convenient navigation through journals
SciUp displays the structure of each journal, ensuring easy navigation through journals and articles. All journal articles are categorized into thematic rubrics. Each journal has a structure: description of the journal, journal issues, interactive content, thematic rubrics, catalog of articles, section For authors, section About the editorial board, search through the journal, contact information, and others. All articles are formatted and structured according to the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission (VAK).
Convenient navigation through journals allows you to comfortably work with a large database of scientific periodicals and quickly find the necessary literature for a research paper, dissertation, thesis, diploma, term paper or essay.
Favorite articles
Form your own scientific library. Build a collection of scientific content by adding scientific articles to the Favorites section and come back to read at your convenience.
Article reading history
You can always open a previously viewed journal or article through a separate section that stores your reading history. You can manage your reading history, clear and generate a new reading history for articles and journals.
Scientific journals offline
PDF files of the scientific articles you read are automatically downloaded to your device and are subsequently available without an internet connection.
Publish your journal
Expand the audience of your journal - publish your scientific journal on the SciUp app using the web interface of the publishing platform
The website provides a publishing service that enables copyright holders to independently publish their journals on the SciUp app.
SciUp - making science accessible to all.