Статьи журнала - Sport Mediji i Biznis

Все статьи: 108

Application of Delphi method in sports

Application of Delphi method in sports

Dašić D.

Статья научная

A well-liked and reputable technique for gathering data from experts in a field of expertise is the Delphi method. This approach may be used to conduct surveys with qualified respondents from a wide geographic area because face-to-face interaction is not necessary. The Delphi method survey is a practical tool for obtaining expert opinions through repetitive rounds of controlled feedback. To have the maximum response rate possible, investigators must actively engage in this area. Participant cooperation is essential for the Delphi process to be carried out successfully. The main goal of this paper is to offer insights which can be useful to other researchers and practitioners preparing to apply Delphi methodology. Moreover, the article contributes to the methodological debate by taking into consideration the introduction of new practices that can be used to overcome certain classical issues of the Delphi methodology: optimal panel size, objectivity, controlled feedback, participant response rate, etc.


Application of marketing processes and tools as an imperative of the modern market

Application of marketing processes and tools as an imperative of the modern market

Mihić S.

Статья научная

The book Marketing, authored by Bozidar Milenovic and Milijanka Ratkovic, covers all important topics in this field. Marketing is a comprehensive textbook that dispels illusions about marketing as an "omnipotent force" of con-sumer society and sheds light on the laws of supply and demand on a scientific basis, processed in such a way that related disciplines participate in them in an optimal way, from which it can be concluded that this is a serious and complex content. which provides answers to many insufficiently treated topics. The authors, excellent experts in marketing both from the point of view of theory and practice, present modern marketing as a way to achieve a new paradigm of marketing as a more res-ponsible, directed and less invasive tool to achieve success in the market in the sense that meet the more subtle needs of consumers through a more responsible design of the offer. Therefore, this book is not intended exclusively for students, but is suitable reading for proven experts, professional managers and everyone else who wants to learn but also to confirm their knowledge in this field. It is written in a clear and concise style, with numerous examples from the real business world and life that vividly evoke marketing strategies that various companies have successfully or unsuccessfully applied at some point in their development. This textbook gives a look at the most modern marketing trends and application in real time and real business environment, especially with emphasis on the domestic business environ-ment. All of these contents certainly indicate that Marketing deserves the full reader's attention of a narrowly professional audience, scientific workers in this field as well as students eager for new knowledge.


Athletes and nutrition

Athletes and nutrition

Franjić S.

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Sports nutrition is the one that, in addition to satisfying the energy and nutri-tional needs of the athlete, will provide him or her with good health, the effectiveness of sports performances, but also good recovery after training or competition and prevent injuries. Sports nutrition should be well organized and planned, varied, and the emphasis is on meeting the greater energy and nutritional needs of athletes. These increased needs for energy and nutrient intake are not significantly higher and can be met with a proper and varied nutrition. Athletes should be enabled and encouraged to have a proper, varied and well-planned diet in order to withstand daily training. This means that they need nutritious and regular meals.


Aтлетика и Six Sigma

Aтлетика и Six Sigma

Жељко Турчиновић

Статья научная

Да ли се концепт Six Sigma може користити за стварање врхунских атлетичара? Иако се Six Sigma многима може учинити као врло компликован концепт или као само један нови тренд, ради се о једноставном и врло успешном, резултатски орјентисаном и структурном начину рада на побољшањима, с јасном расподелом одговорности, а с циљем постизања значајних резултата. Кроз приказ методологије примене, алата и дилема, ствара се одговор на питање зашто је концепција Six Sigma у атлетицu тако привлачна за много успешних атлетичара, тренера и клубова у свету.


Communication between coach and athlete

Communication between coach and athlete

Zubić I.

Статья научная

The coach and athlete relationship is interaction in which the thoughts, feelings and behavior of the coach and athlete are causally linked. The quality of the relationship between coach and athlete affects the achievement and psychological well-being of athlete. It is desirable that the relationship between coaches and ath-letes is based on respect, understanding, acceptance, tolerance and cooperation. The quality of the relationship between coach and athlete affects interpersonal and intrapersonal outcomes through communication. Communication is a process that depends on its participants. It implies a circular process of influence. The athlete's behavior affects the coach's behavior, and the coach's behavior in turn affects the athlete's behavior. The article presents guidelines for improving communication and constructively resolving conflicts between coaches and players.


Corporate goals of sponsorship in sports

Corporate goals of sponsorship in sports

Ratković M.

Статья научная

The two-sided focus of sponsorship goals in sports is present due to the existence of two parties in the sponsorship relationship. The buyer of sponsorship and the seller of sponsorship have different goals, but they also have common goals related to the interest to realize the sponsorship according to the plan, as well as to achieve the maximization of the effects of the expectations of both parties. That common interest is of primary nature and leads to partnership. The separate goals of the participating parties are defined in such a way that mutual interest gets fulfilled. The goals of corporate sponsors are determined by motives, and in most cases they are external and opportunistic, that is, commercial. However, the goals can be also internal and altruistic, and as such focused on highlighting other benefits, such as building good relationships with employees and other participants in the value delivery chain that the sponsor promotes, including the public. The analysis that follows is based on literature research and already existing conclusions regarding the nature of goals and motives in sponsorship. The aim of this paper is to verify the existing conclusions of the focus of sponsorship objectives in sports. The content analysis method led to the conclusion that the goals of sponsorship in sports can be defined through the categories of market, society, relationships and clan. This confirms the conclusions of previous research.


Dance therapy-improving the quality of life of people with health problems

Dance therapy-improving the quality of life of people with health problems

Lidija Radovanov

Статья научная

Dance therapy is a diverse and complex, but little-known subject area. It can be used with people of all ages and genders. It can be effective in the treatment of people with medical, social, developmental, physical and psychological impairments. Recent studies have researched the influence of dance movement not only in patients with chronic heart failure, but with people with Parkinson's disease (PD), cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, older people etc. Different styles of dance, from Waltz, to Tango, have been researched. The results are showing that the long-term, even and short-term effects have positive influence on posture, balance, sensiomotor and cognitive performance. Likewise, it improves functional mobility in individuals with PD, enhances concentrations of serotonin and dopamine and decreases psychological stress in adolescents with mild depression. With respect to all of these discoveries, dance should be seriously considered as an alternative method of rehabilitation in addition to regular medical therapy.


Diagnosis of the status of sports clubs through comparative analysis of influencial factors

Diagnosis of the status of sports clubs through comparative analysis of influencial factors

D. Ahmić, H. Alić

Статья научная

Research was conducted on a sample of 20 clubs from seven European countries, including Bosnia and Herzegovina. The sample consisted of 10 clubs from Bosnia and Herzegovina and 10 clubs from Europe. All clubs had a first division status in their countries and some even had major experience playing in the European competitions. In the paper we used a comparative analysis of the status of these clubs when it came to material and human resources, a comparative analysis of the clubs of Bosnia and Herzegovina and foreign clubs, as well as statistically significant differences between the clubs. The shown results briefly talk about the status of the clubs, their funding, costs, professional management and status in terms of competitions. The answers are different in character for all the given questions. Based on the obtained results the status in the local and foreign basketball clubs can be seen. The differences that are proven can be the guide to successful functioning of the clubs. Also certain results obtained may serve as a benchmark of business operations in the clubs.


Discipline in the classes on physical education and sport

Discipline in the classes on physical education and sport

Ina Vladova, Nikolai Hristov

Статья научная

The aim of this research is to study the attitude of high-school students from Bulgarian secondary education institutions (VIII, IX, X and XI class) in regard the discipline during the physical education and sport classes. We expect the results from this study to provide us information about the students’ discipline during classes from their own perspective. Object of the study is the opinion of 205 students from 5 schools in Sofia, Bulgaria. The average age of the respondents was 16 years while the distribution by gender was almost equal. For the achievement of the aim and for collection of empirical data on the issue were elaborated questionnaires and inqiry forms for the students. The collected data was processed using mathematical and statistical methods for quantitative processing and analysis: frequency and variation analysis as per approved statistical procedure – by applying the SPSS 21 for Windows statistical program. The achievement of good discipline during classes depends on the professional skills of the sport pedagogues, it depends also on the students and indirectly on their parents. The students, responding to the inquiry assessed the role of their teachers in physical education and sport for maintaining the discipline during the classes using the evaluation scale applied in the Bulgarian educational system (from 2 to 6). The average score at n=187 was calculated to Excellent 5.63 (Min=3, Max=6). An important condition for ensuring a good discipline is to organise the learning lesson in a diverse, dynamic and interesting way, which proves once again the inter-relation between education and training.


Discrimination of women in sports

Discrimination of women in sports

Zorica Mršević

Статья научная

This article presents arguments for the autors's claim that sport is an area where clearly exists open discrimination against women. Sport is an activity which is still rising, which is characterized by constant improvement of operations, organization, logistics, leadership, training system, supporting medicine. Tolerated discrimination in and outside the sport, does not at all prevent the flow of money in this branch, but effectively restrict the privileges to the elite of sports, which a thinner, exclusively male composition. Formula of disabling women in sport is "more power - the morepolitics" andin return, "the morepolitics - more power andmore money," and consequently -fewerwomen. Those are the barriers that women have yet to break through. The author still sees as a possible development directions the competitions with mixed sports teams, already present in university sporting events in North America.


Dosage of physical activity using determination of ventilatory anaerobic threshold by cardiopulmonary exercise test

Dosage of physical activity using determination of ventilatory anaerobic threshold by cardiopulmonary exercise test

Stojmenović T., Stojmenović D., & Purković M.

Статья научная

Dosing physical activity is a very important segment in the exercise do-main of every person, whether they are a child, an recreational person or a professi-onal athlete. The aim of this paper is to present the most optimal and direct method for assessing the functional status of an individual and to explain the way in which physical activity can be dosed most effectively using a Cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPET). In this work, the descriptive method of conducting the CPET test was used as a standard for determining the beginning of physical activity, but also for determining training thresholds. Adequate physical activity should be optimally dosed, neither too much nor too little, but sufficient to cause physical adaptation of the organism to effort. In sport and physical activity, the heart rate parameter and the determination of the degree of fatigue in relation to the maximum heart rate of the person exercising are most often used to measure effort.


Društveni kontekst fudbala kroz istorijski, politički, ekonomski i medijski okvir

Društveni kontekst fudbala kroz istorijski, politički, ekonomski i medijski okvir

Bajić P.

Статья научная

Kao veoma dinamična društvena pojava sport ima značajnu ulogu u svako-dnevici ljudi, što se posebno odnosi na fudbal, kao globalno najuticajniji sport. Upravo na tom tragu, autori Dejan Milenković i Vesna Milenković su odlučili da sagledaju ovaj fenomen iz više uglova i sistematizuju kroz knjigu „Fudbal i društvo”. Pored istorijskog pregleda, autori posmatraju fudbal kroz odnose sa politikom, ekonomijom i medijima, uz poseban osvrt na promene koje su nastale kao posledica pandemije Covid-19. Tako-đe, tu su i poglavlja o ženskom fudbalu, kao i o fudbalu i nasilju, odnosno o huliga-nizmu, terorizmu, govoru mržnje i rasizmu. Na kraju, autori zaključuju da se fudbal, po-put društva, više puta nalazio na istorijskoj prekretnici, da je tako i danas, ali da uvek uspeva da prevaziđe sve izazove i da uveća popularnost i društveni uticaj.


Educational, socializing and preventive health effects of the sport-contesting activity in childhood

Educational, socializing and preventive health effects of the sport-contesting activity in childhood

Ina Vladova

Статья научная

The aim ofthe present research, completed in the gymnastic clubs "Yunache" in Bulgaria, is to determine the educational, socializing and preventive health effects of the sport-contesting activity. Subject of the study are pupils from I to IV grade, who are members ofthe gymnastic clubs "Yunache", their teachers and parents. Subject of study are also the educational and socializing effects as a result ofthe activity in the gymnastic clubs.


Effects of phyisical exercise on ability measured by FMS tests and mental health of middle-aged persons

Effects of phyisical exercise on ability measured by FMS tests and mental health of middle-aged persons

Jovanović I., Petronijević S., Ćopić N., Zubić I.

Статья научная

The aim of the research was to determine the impact of physical exercise on: 1. abi-lities measured by FMS tests, 2. the impact of physical status on the mental health of middle-aged people and 3. body composition. The research used a quasi-experimental design (test-retest). 20 respondents (11 men and 9 women) were included in this paper. The average age of the respondents is 52.3 years, average body height 169.4 cm, average body weight 78.62 kg. All respondents live in the territory of the United Arab Emirates, where they are physically minimally active or completely inactive. Body impedance (InBody120), FMS device and survey questionnaire were used in the research. Descriptive statistics and T-test were used for data processing. The results showed that there is a statistically significant difference in the variables that were measured at the beginning and after the application of the defined exercise program (test-retest), in the variable point score-FMS test (p = 0.000) and in the satisfaction questionnaire (p < 0.05). However, the exercise program had no effect on body com-position because it focused on trunk mobility and stabilization exercises.


Eksterna komunikacija fk „Radnički” Niš na društvenoj mreži „Instagram”

Eksterna komunikacija fk „Radnički” Niš na društvenoj mreži „Instagram”

Tamara Tasić, Aleksandar Đokić

Статья научная

Ovaj rad imao je za cilj da ispita kakav pristup ima Fudbalski klub „Radnički” iz Niša u komunikaciji na društvenim mrežama, konkretno na društvenoj mreži „Instagram”. Za istraživanje je korišćen uzorak od ukupno 169 objava ovog kluba na toj mreži, koje su objavljene u periodu od šest meseci – od 2. januara do 2. jula 2022. godine. Takođe, analizom su obuhvaćeni komentari na objavama kluba i koliko je bilo odgovora na direktno postavljena pitanja „Radničkom”. Rad polazi od hipoteze da Fudbalski klub „Radnički” nema interaktivan pristup na „Instagramu”. To pokazuju i rezultati istraživanja, jer je tim koji vodi profil kluba u samo 6,2 odsto slučajeva odgovarao na direktno postavljena pitanja i na taj način uzimao u obzir eksternu komunikaciju kroz komentare.


Fenomen četvrtog mesta u sportu kroz društvenu i medijsku prizmu: Olimpijske i Paraolimpijske Igre

Fenomen četvrtog mesta u sportu kroz društvenu i medijsku prizmu: Olimpijske i Paraolimpijske Igre

Predrag Bajić

Статья научная

Kompleksnost svakodnevnog života, koji donosi bezbroj izazova, sučeljavanja, prepreka, naravno i lepih trenutaka, svakako nadilazi pojednostavljenu sliku kakva je vidljiva u javnom prostoru samo na osnovu finalnog „proizvoda”. Sport je segment društva u kojem se jasno vidi rezultat, na osnovu kojeg se rangiraju više ili manje uspešni, ali je više nego surova granica od koje se neuporedivo manje ceni uloženi napor i ne vrednuje adekvatno značaj rezultata koji je ostvaren, kroz medije i društvo. Ta linija razdvajanja je postavljena najčešće ispred četvrtog mesta i simbolizuje se kroz dodeljivanje medalja i drugih priznanja onima koji se plasiraju iznad, kao i mnogo izvesniju mogućnost zaborava za druge. Kroz istraživanje vezano za jugoslovenske i srpske sportiste kojima je na Olimpijskim i Paraolimpijskim igrama najveći uspeh četvrto mesto (ukupno 75 olimpijaca i 13 paraolimpijaca), kao i kasnije razgovore sa nekima do njih, osvetljava se ovaj globalni fenomen, koji prožima svet sporta, ali i druge vidove društva, ujedno i čuvaju od zaborava visoki rezultati sportista sa ovih prostora. Posmatrajući odgovore na ključno pitanje, jasno je da kod sagovornika uglavnom provejava seta, odnosno žal za propuštenom prilikom da se osvoji medalja, često pomešan i sa ponosom, naročito kada se taj rezultat sumira iz današnje perspektive, odnosno protokom vremena, imajući u vidu da je to takmičenje koje sportisti najčešće smatraju najvišim dostignućem. „Biti četvrti” je fenomen koji traje, nema kraja i jedinstven zaključak – i koji iznova dobija neke nove junake.


Financing sports from the budget of the republic of Serbia

Financing sports from the budget of the republic of Serbia

Dašić B.

Статья научная

Sport as a free human activity focused on the development of psycho-physical abilities is expressed through competition with others and the pursuit of achieving the best possible results. Sport is a category of great importance for the development and prosperity of the entire society. The level of sports involvement is the best indicator of a society's development. The economic and other benefits that sport brings to the state require the state itself to create favorable conditions for the development of sports and, of course, to support them financially. The state does this by allocating a certain amount from the budget intended for the financing of all aspects of sports and other related segments of sports. This paper specifically analyzes the funding of sports from the budget of the Republic of Serbia. In Serbia, sports are largely financed from the budget of the Republic of Serbia, although the responsibility for funding sports also lies with Autonomous Provinces and local self-governments. The goal of this paper is to emphasize the importance of funding sports from the budget of the Republic of Serbia, as well as to promote and seek additional non-budgetary sources of funding.


Fotografija i klikbejt naslovi: sredstva onlajn medija u procesu manipulacije čitalaca

Fotografija i klikbejt naslovi: sredstva onlajn medija u procesu manipulacije čitalaca

Uroš Selenić

Статья научная

Onlajn mediji nemaju samo informativnu ulogu i jedan od ciljeva u sveopštoj komercijalizaciji i borbi za profit je što veći broj poseta određenog sadržaja. Novi mediji, međutim, i dalje imaju imperativ brzine i objavljivanja novih vesti pre konkurencije, bez obzira na to da li će čitaoci (korisnici) da budu predmet manipulacije sadržajem. Osnovna teza u ovom radu jeste to da fotografija u procesu ostvarenja tog zadatka predstavlja moćno sredstvo onlajn medija. Naime, onlajn mediji mogu i koriste fotografiju tako da sugerišu čitaocima da klikom na određeni sadržaj iz oblasti sporta saznaju osnovnu informaciju u novoj vesti (kao i na koga se ona odnosi), a svemu dodatno pomažu tzv. klikbejt naslovi. U cilju dokazivanja teza u ovom radu, obavljeno je istraživanje u formi onlajn upitnika (metod Likertove skale), koje je potvrdilo da onlajn mediji fotografijama i klikbejt naslovima manipulišu čitaocima/ispitanicima.


Hand grip strength in 12 years old Children in Serbia – changes over 50 years

Hand grip strength in 12 years old Children in Serbia – changes over 50 years

A. Ignjatović, G. Budimir Ninković, N. Stevanović

Статья научная

Recent epidemiological research indicate that contemporary youth are not as active as they should be. The result of this investigation showed slight increase in muscle strength in hand grip of children in Serbia. Youth in 1962 had slightly lower levels of muscle hand grip strength then their counterparts several decades after. However, average weight showed more significant increase over the same period. Weight of 12 years old youth increased from average of 36.26kg to 50.92kg. The increase of ≈ 15kg, make the increase of more than 40% for this time period. This reise serious concerns toward children trend of muscle strength development and overall health and physical capabilities. There is urgent need for changes in media content and opportunities for recreational and sporting events could motivate kids to get more involved in sports and physical recreation.


Holistic branding of premium brands – example of the company „Adidas AG“

Holistic branding of premium brands – example of the company „Adidas AG“

Radaković M., Turčinović Ž., & Pejanović V.

Статья научная

Adidas is considered one of the most well-known and successful sports brands, which strives for continuous development and progress, evident through frequent innovations and new models, as well as highly original advertising campaigns. The subject of this paper is to present and analyze how the global company Adidas manages its globally renowned brand. The aim of the paper is to prove whether customers believe in the quality of the Adidas brand or not. The methods used include the method of description, analysis and synthesis, method of proof and disproof, as well as statistical methods such as descriptive statistical analysis. The research was conducted with a sample of 125 respondents. Respon-dents expressed their agreement with the statements on a five-point Likert scale. The analysis of the collected data was performed using the statistical package IBM SPSS 21.0. The obtained results indicate a high level of loyalty among the respon-dents to this brand.

