On the problem of foreign language vocabulary in the Khakass language

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The article is devoted to the consideration of the linguocultural and psycholinguistic capabilities of the Khakass language, realized in the process of borrowing foreign language vocabulary, as well as the degree of perception by the Khakass of foreign language realities. Recently, there has been a need to conduct similar research in the field of the dynamics of the lexical composition of not only the modern Khakass language, but also other languages. Nominations of innovative and foreign cultural realities contribute to the development of ideological, innovative, cultural aspects of the successful adaptation of an ethnic group to modern conditions of the developing world. Thus, the internal logic of adaptation of foreign language vocabulary both in the language and in the consciousness of a particular ethnic group is aimed at the preservation and development of the Khakass language during their transmission to next generations.


Khakass language, foreign language vocabulary, foreign cultural realities, adaptation, expansion of the worldview of the ethnic group, expansion of vocabulary

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170203224

IDR: 170203224   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-1-3-92-96

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