On the question of gastronomic reflection

Бесплатный доступ

The article is devoted to culturological gastronomic reflection, which is considered as a state of consciousness in relation to a specific sphere of cognition. The author studies the periodization of the development of reflection, in accordance with the periods of development of cognition methods. Thus, highlighting the stages, starting from the scholastic period and ending with activism, the author agrees with some authors in the naming and content of these periods. However, it is worth pointing out that this is dialectical-materialistic activism, which is based on the corresponding philosophical principles. As a result of the study of the concept and essence of reflection, the author concludes that the present stage of the development of reflection is based on an activity-based approach to the study of the cognition system, which means the implementation of activities for the formation of a certain knowledge. Since scientific reflection at the present stage is increasingly connected with social development and penetrates into its spheres, it is noted that the combination of reflection and dialectical-materialistic approach and worldview makes it possible to reflect not only in the general philosophical sense, but also within the practical application of reflection, in private scientific and everyday consciousness. The result of the application of cultural reflection in the field of gastronomy is the identification of categories of problems of science ("gastrosophy" is a term proposed by some scientists for the name of science) and its content: historical-descriptive, analytical, state and a number of others, which have their own range of private issues involving research and, of course, reflection.


Philosophical reflection, scientific reflection, gastronomic reflection, cultural reflection, gastrosophy

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148328585

IDR: 148328585   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2024-26-94-79-87

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