On the issue of control and self-control of students in educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in physical training and sports

Автор: Goloshchapova A.Yu., Kuznetsov M.B.

Журнал: Автономия личности @avtonomiya-lichnosti

Рубрика: Физическая культура, спорт и здоровье человека

Статья в выпуске: 2 (30), 2023 года.

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This article analyzes the influence of control by a teacher or coach and self - control of cadets and trainees studying in educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in physical training classes. Currently, the priority goal of modern education, instead of a simple transfer of skills, knowledge and skills from a teacher to a student, is the development of his ability to independently set goals, design ways to implement them, and form learning skills. The achievement of this goal becomes possible thanks to the formation of a system of universal educational actions that provide an opportunity for each student to independently carry out the activities of the teaching, set educational goals, search and use the necessary means and ways to achieve them. Attention is also drawn to aspects that prove the benefits of self - control of students for the body as a whole, and, accordingly, for their physical development. Control and self - control allows you to evaluate and analyze


Self control, control, cadet, health, physical trainin, sports

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142240495

IDR: 142240495

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