On the question of conversion (based on Russian and French)

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This paper studies existing in modern linguistics ways to interpret the term "conversion" in the morphology is determined by its place in the methods of derivation. Many researchers consider the conversion, as it is one of the most productive ways of word formation. In accordance with the understanding part of speech tokens belonging motivating researchers give different definitions of conversion. Describing the conversion are identified universal properties and national its specificity, which is caused by typological features such raznostrukturnyh languages like French and Russian, as well as analyzed the degree of efficiency in the conversion of Russian and French. Synchronous and diachronic aspects that occur, particularly in synthetism or analytism grammatical system are taken into account in the study of conversion.


Substantivization producing token, derivation, conversion, method of word formation, sintetizm, analytism derivative token

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14489898

IDR: 14489898

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