On the problem of the criteria for assessing the linguistic preparedness of students

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The article makes an attempt to determine the criteria for assessing the linguistic preparedness of students, the quality of results achieved in the course of education and the possibility of forming an objective assessment system. The implementation of the main directions of Russian higher education modernization and the requirements towards the preparation of a modern specialist also presupposes increasing the quality of linguistic education at all levels. Foreign language teaching is an indispensable part of educational process, one of the main components of the professional preparation of a specialist in any sphere. The quality model of the system of multi-level linguistic preparation of students was developed on the basis of competence and personality-oriented approach. Increasing the quality of linguistic preparation of students is also achieved through the creation of the system of ensuring foreign language teaching quality, which assesses both the work of the teacher and the preparedness of students.


Assessment criteria, knowledge quality, objectivity, reform, linguistic preparedness

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14489830

IDR: 14489830

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