On the issue of obtaining grain distillates from fermented raw materials

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An analysis of regulatory documentation, patent documents and original articles devoted to the production of alcohol distillates from grain raw materials was carried out, it was shown that the presence of a traditional raw material base and unused production capacities of existing alcohol plants allows producers of the CU countries and other post-Soviet republics to produce distilled grain drinks, creating competition for imported drinks production. The influence of the main ethanol impurities on the organoleptic characteristics of the target product, the advantages and disadvantages of continuous and periodic distillation are characterized, the features, possibilities and limitations of the use of various distillation methods are discussed, and the compositions of continuous and periodic installations are given. When determining the chemical composition of ethanol, gas chromatography is most often used, but for practical and scientific purposes it is advisable to use the chromatography method with mass spectrum detection, which makes it possible to determine the presence and content of a wide range of congeners. Technical solutions that make it possible to produce grain distillate in standard distillation plants, both as an independent product and together with rectified alcohol, are analyzed; the prospects for using alternative physicochemical methods for purifying multicomponent mixtures, including those based on the use of the oxidative potential of ozone, are shown. It has been established that in order to obtain competitive products in the Russian Federation, it is necessary to introduce modern fermentation and distillation technologies; use of modern efficient equipment and a comprehensive automatic process control system; strengthening operational technological control at each stage of production.


Rectified spirit, distillation, grain distillate, impurities, fermented raw materials

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140305686

IDR: 140305686   |   DOI: 10.20914/2310-1202-2024-1-89-96

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