On the concept of directness in criminal proceeding

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In Russia, over 148 years, had a system of formal proofs. The legislator himself defined the meaning and importance of each evidence. Charter of criminal proceedings in principle secured a new position - «The judges must determine the guilt or innocence of the defendant by inner conviction». There was a need to develop rules «direct examination of forensic evidence». This requirement of the law to the judge about the need to examine evidence submitted by the parties, after hearing their point of view and come to sound logical conclusion. In those cases where «the defendant does not raise any doubt, the court, without making further research, could go to the final debate» (Art. 681 UUS). In the Soviet era the emphasis in the concept of «direct examination of evidence» was replaced with «direct perception». This has allowed to assume that «the immediacy examination of evidence» takes place not only during the judicial investigation but preliminary. This position has led to the fact that according to the article. 240 Code of Criminal Procedure excluded any examination of evidence in criminal cases under Section X of this Code. Formulated a new definition of the concept. Displaying the fundamental difference between «direct perception» from «direct examination of the evidence», it is proposed to exclude from the part 1 st.240 Code of Criminal Procedure the expression «except as provided for in Section X». Chapter 40 and 40.1 of the RF Code of Criminal Procedure supplemented by provisions similar to the content of Art. 680 and 681 UUS. This will allow the court to ensure the correctness of his decision.


Cистема формальных доказательств, system of formal proofs, code of laws, complete and incomplete evidence, charter of criminal proceedings in 1864, inner conviction judge, simplified examination of the criminal case, the immediacy of perception, direct examination of the evidence


Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147150048

IDR: 147150048   |   DOI: 10.14529/law160106

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