To the question on legal regulation of relations in exercising state services in the e-form (using the example of state service in issuing entry permits to persons and transport means in the border zone)

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Legal regulation of relations in exercising state and municipal services in the e-form is exercised in the Federal Law of 27.07.2010 № 210-ФЗ (ed. оf 04.06.2018) «On organization of exercising state and municipal services» with changes and amendments of 31.07.2018, in the Governmental Disposal of May 16, 2011 № 373 «About elaboration and adoption of administrative regulations of state supervision and administrative regulations off exercising state services», as well as administrative regulations. An analysis of legal norms and regulations on exercising state services in the e-form using the example of state service in issuing entry permits to persons and transport means in the border zone is carried out. It is pointed out that there is disbalance between legal norms and regulations, which in fact offends the right of the minor active citizens (emancipated and married) in the studied relations.


E-services on issuing entry permits to the border zone, married minor citizens, emancipated, offence of rights

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IDR: 147228415

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