On styles educational-cognitive activity of students in process of learning the oriental language

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This article highlights the relevance of the study of Oriental languages in today's society for a successful career graduates, stressing the responsibility of teacher for the quality training and the organization of cognitive activity of students in condition of variability of higher education. Also described a brief history of the emergence concept of «style learning and cognitive activity» in foreign and domestic psychology and pedagogy, the study highlights the main areas of this concept, given its general characteristics in the modern interpretation with an emphasis on the concept of «cognitive style». Introduced the definition of «ethno-style», describes its structure and characteristics, as well as allocated prioritize style for teaching and cognitive activity of students in the study of Oriental languages at the university, in particular, when training hieroglyphics. Authors detaches the prioritize components of educational-cognitive activity of students: social and cultural, active, psychological. It concludes on the need to consider the above-mentioned components for effective teaching of Oriental languages.


Styles of learning and cognitive activity, high school, oriental language, teaching methods

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147218804

IDR: 147218804

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