On the question of the essence of power sports

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The article lists the main power sports that currently exist, and their general features are noted. Each of the features of power sports is revealed in detail. Attention is focused on the fact that the manifestation of force can occur in static and dynamic mode, the essence of these modes and their distinctive features are revealed. The content of such concepts as maximum strength, speed strength, power endurance is revealed, and it is also noted in which power sports such components of power abilities as maximum strength, speed strength, power endurance develop. It is rightly noted that insufficient external influence does not lead to the manifestation of the maximum possible result and, as a consequence, does not lead to the manifestation of maximum force. The authors differentiate the concepts of maximum force and absolute force, and specify the criteria for their differentiation. The types of power sports that are most suitable for developing the skill of using maximum force are listed. The factors influencing the manifestation and development of a person's power abilities are analyzed.


Strength sports, physical qualities, strength, maximum strength, speed strength, strength endurance

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142240486

IDR: 142240486

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