On the problem of the formation of terms

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The article examines the main methods of the formation of terms on the basis of construction sphere lexis. The most productive methods of terms formation in this sphere include: borrowing, calques, broadening the meaning, morphological method, transition of professionalisms into the category of terms, combining words into terminological collocations. In spite of sufficiently high level of research into the problem of terms formation and the description available in special literature, each system of terms has its own characteristic features specified by the peculiarity of research object. The study of the structure of terms, their properties and functions is an indispensable part of studying systems of terms. The choice of construction sphere is due to the high importance of this sphere in the life of people, constant development of construction, appearance of new materials and technologies. The article also talks about the heterogeneity of the structure of lexical units forming the system of terms of the examined sphere.


Morphological means of formation, borrowing, calques, terms formation, system of terms, broadening the meaning

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14489781

IDR: 14489781

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