The quality of general education training for secondary vocational education students: regional management model and conditions for achievement

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The relevance of the study is determined by the priority directions of the Strategy for the Development of Secondary Vocational Education in the Russian Federation until 2030, in which a special place is given to the introduction of mechanisms for general education training of students integrated with secondary vocational education and the updating of methods and technologies for teaching general education disciplines, taking into account the professional orientation of the professions and specialties being implemented. The article presents a regional model for managing the quality of general education training of students in professional educational organizations, created and implemented in the Sverdlovsk region based on the results of research and experience of participation in federal events to test and implement methods of teaching general education disciplines, taking into account the professional orientation of secondary vocational education programs. The lack of consistency in ensuring the continuity of the content of secondary general and secondary vocational education within the framework of the main professional educational programs, revealed during the study, required building targeted targeted assistance to teachers at the regional level on issues of the quality of general education training for students in the context of secondary vocational education. The elimination of subject and methodological deficiencies shown by teachers in the region has become one of the areas of testing the model of a unified managed system of networked organizational and methodological support for the process of professional development of pedagogical and managerial employees of professional educational organizations in the Sverdlovsk region. The implementation of the proposed model required building a systematic interaction between representatives of executive authorities, the Institute for Educational Development and professional educational organizations. The experience gained and the results of regional practice made it possible to provide high-quality methodological support to professional educational organizations of the region in the preparation and implementation of methods of teaching general education disciplines in their activities from September 1, 2023, taking into account the requirements of the federal state educational standard of secondary general education and the professional orientation of secondary vocational education programs.


Secondary vocational education, quality of general education training, management model, conditions for achievement

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142240232

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