Thermodynamic and spectroscopic study of complex calcium- containing liposomes

Автор: Mdzinarashvili T.J., Khvedelidze M.M., Shekiladze E.R., Chinchaladze S.V., Mdzinarashvili M.T.

Журнал: Российский журнал биомеханики @journal-biomech

Статья в выпуске: 2 (104) т.28, 2024 года.

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In the study, both uncomplexed and calcium-containing complex liposomes made of DPPA and DPPC phospholipids were studied calorimetrically and spectrophotometrically. Liposomes with a diameter of 200 nm were produced by new nanotechnology. As calcium molecules, CaCO3 was used, which is used in medicine as a calcium supplement or antacid, which is used to relieve heartburn, stomach acidity. Complex liposomes were prepared in both water and 20% glycerol solvent. As calorimetric and spectrophotometric experiments show, CaCO3 molecules made by new technology are incorporated into the structure of liposomes, which allows them to be used for treatment. In addition, calcium is placed in large quantities in such complex liposomes, although their entry into the blood does not cause side effects. The structure and thermal stability of complex liposomes were determined in the paper. In particular, according to the obtained experimental results, we believe that the structure of calcium-containing nanoparticles can be both unilaminar and multilaminar, in particular, the structure of uncomplexed and calcium-containing DPPC liposomes prepared in water and glycerol are multilaminar. The structure of uncomplexed DPPA liposomes prepared in water is unilaminar, while calcium-containing DPPA liposomes prepared in water form a multilayer structure. As for the structure of both pure and calcium-containing DPPA liposomes prepared in glycerolare multilamellar. With some preliminary considerations, calcium-containing liposomes can be tested in experimental animals, and after obtaining positive results, they can be recommended for the treatment of hypocalcemia in humans.


Calorimetry, complex nanoparticles, liposomes, calcium

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 146282972   |   DOI: 10.15593/RZhBiomeh/2024.2.12

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