Kinetics of relativistic axionically active plasma in the field of dynamic aether. Part I: general formalism and new concept of equilibrium states
Автор: Balakin A.B., Valiullin K.R.
Журнал: Пространство, время и фундаментальные взаимодействия @stfi
Рубрика: Гравитация, космология и фундаментальные поля
Статья в выпуске: 2 (47), 2024 года.
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We present an extended version of the kinetic theory of the relativistic axionically active multi-component plasma, which is based on the inclusion of a unit time-like vector field, associated with the velocity of dynamic aether, into the scheme of interactions. The proposed extension of the plasma theory can be indicated as semi- phenomenological. This term means that master equations for the gravitational, electromagnetic, pseudoscalar (axionic) and vector (aetheric) fields are derived using the Lagrange formalism, the kinetic equations for the distribution functions are obtained by the methods of the covariant statistics, however, the relativistic forces acting from the listed fields on the plasma particles are reconstructed phenomenologically based on classical analogies. We consider this work as a first part of a trilogy; here we presented, first, the complete formalism of this extended theory, second, the classification of forces, third, the new concept of equilibrium states in the relativistic axionically - aetherically active plasma.
Alternative theories of gravity, unit vector field, axion
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IDR: 142243252 | DOI: 10.17238/issn2226-8812.2024.2.38-50
Список литературы Kinetics of relativistic axionically active plasma in the field of dynamic aether. Part I: general formalism and new concept of equilibrium states
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