Clinical evaluation of transpedicular osteosynthesis using for the treatment of animals with lumbar spine's damage

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The evaluation of the clinical status of the ani-mal with the injury of lumbar vertebrae is based on the characteristics of general condition of body and the degree of violation of the locomotors func-tion. After the diagnosis of acute traumatic fracture in the middle third of the L6 the submersible transpedicular osteosynthesis (with the use of sur-gical steel and nitinol alloy) was done for dogs. To determine the effectiveness of different devices for transpedicular fixation of animals’ spine various diagnostic methods, basic and special were used. The basic methods of clinical research were ther-mometry, the definition of pulse and respiration, the operating condition of the wound and the body position in space.The special instrumental meth-ods were the sensitivity of the pelvic limbs, knee and ankle reflexes. The special laboratory meth-ods were the determination of erythrocyte sedi-mentation rate (ESR), the total number of white blood cells, red blood cells, platelets, hemoglobin concentration, and mean corpuscular volume. In the study it was found out that the use of a nitinol rods for pedicle fixation device helped to restore animals’ motor function of the second experi-mental group 7 ± 2 days earlier compared to the first experimental group. The clinical picture of the animals’ blood of the second group corresponded to physiological norm for 7 ± 2 days earlier than in the first group. This forecast is typical for normal repair processes in the bone tissue and, therefore, early activation of the damaged segment in state locomotor act.


Animals, trauma, spine, lumbar spine, motorial function, transpedicular osteosy-nthesis, nitinol, hematology

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IDR: 14084513

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