Clinical and psychological study of patients with the oncologic diseases of larynx

Автор: Rousina N.A., Moiseeva K.S.

Журнал: Психология. Психофизиология @jpps-susu

Рубрика: Клиническая (медицинская) психология

Статья в выпуске: 1 т.6, 2013 года.

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The presented paper is devoted to the study of the psychological characteristics of patients with the oncologic diseases of larynx, agreeing to the operation or giving up her, in spite of the fact that abandonment from her dooms patients on dying. 109 persons with a diagnosis cancer of larynx of I-IV of the clinical stage are inspected, among them 106 men and 3 women, in age from 40 to 89. In the research the following methods: questionnaire of Mini-Mult (brief variant of MMPI, variant SMIL), “Life style index” (Plutchik R., Kellerman H.), “Ways of Coping Questionnaire” (Folkman S., Lazarus R.), “Simptom Check List-90-Revised-SCL-90-R” (Derogatis L.). There are reliable distinctions for patients renouncing an operation, by comparison to the group of patients recipient surgical treatment. Indexes on the defense mechanism of projection and phobic anxiety are meaningfully higher for patients renouncing an operation. Symptomatic distress is marked for all patients with oncologic diseases. Groups of patients renouncing an operation (group 1) and all operated patients (group 2) have most psychological distinctions from the group of the operated patients with the trachea-gullet by-passing only. In the situation of vital threat patients of the groups 1 and 2 use defense mechanisms in a greater degree, but not coping-strategies. These patients are apt to self-control, correspond to the normative criteria, restrain emotions. On a background of higher impulsiveness their large propensity to the somatization is marked by means of going away to illness as to the means of avoidance of responsibility. Patients after the trachea- gullet by-passing are less impulsive, the increase of level of all coping-strategies is characteristic for them. The research conclusions on the need of psychological preparation is needed for patients before operation directed for the removal of fears and anxieties, for educating of patients to the methods of self-regulation, for work with their depression and alarm.


Oncology, cancer of larynx, operation, psychological differences, psychological defense mechanisms, coping-strategies

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IDR: 147159841

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