Key factors influencing the development of the timber industry complex in modern conditions
Автор: Badyanov A.
Журнал: Региональная экономика. Юг России @re-volsu
Рубрика: Фундаментальные исследования пространственной экономики
Статья в выпуске: 3 т.12, 2024 года.
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In recent years, all industries and sectors of the economy have been subject to strong and not always positive impacts on the conditions of their functioning. One of the economic complexes that have been subjected to such a multilateral and clearly negative impact is the timber industry complex. The purpose of the article is to identify the main factors of the external and internal environment of the activities of the enterprises of the timber industry complex, which have the greatest impact on the results of the activities of enterprises of the timber industry complex in the main forest regions of the country. Using the methods of contextual and comparative analysis, the main factors influencing the activities of logging and wood processing enterprises in modern conditions have been identified and analyzed. Statistical analysis made it possible to substantiate the main conclusions about the state of the main segments of the timber industry complex and the prospects for their development. It is shown that anti-Russian sanctions have made fundamental changes in the commodity structure of production as well as in the structure and directions of export of a number of types of products of the timber industry complex, such as plywood, wood pellets, and lumber. Particularly noted was the ambiguous but clearly negative situation in the production and sale of wood pellets and plywood. It was revealed that despite the general decline in demand (and, accordingly, production) for wood pellets, different regions of Russia experienced these losses differently. It is shown that among all the sanctioned goods, the production of wood pellets has the greatest significance and importance both for the Russian timber industry itself and for other sectors of the country’s economy, and it is on them that the state should focus its attention as part of anti-sanctions support. The capabilities of the state and municipal authorities in stabilizing the situation are analyzed. It is concluded that a sharp increase in the uncertainty of the state of the external environment increases the level of risk in the activities of enterprises, which requires the creation of an effective risk management system based on a multifactor model of risk-oriented behavior.
Timber industry complex, factors influencing, uncertainty of the external environment, risk management, anti-russian sanctions
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 149146903 | DOI: 10.15688/re.volsu.2024.3.11