Youth club associations in the modern space of the leisure industry: the experience of student modeling

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This article presents and substantiates the author's opinion on the application of the method of modeling club associations in the process of mastering the discipline “Club Technologies” by students. The knowledge gained at the same time stimulates the development of student creative projects. At the same time, they promote the creation of educational potential in the space of youth leisure, which is directly or indirectly connected with various leisure industries. It is noted that at the present time, at a primitive level, there is an underestimation and a skeptical attitude towards club forms of leisure organization. Scientific research of the classics of club science and social and cultural science, as well as personal teaching experience, convincingly show that club forms can be of genuine interest to modern youth. However, this interest should not be expected to manifest itself on its own; it should be instilled in the process of studying professional disciplines, in particular the discipline of “Club Technology”.


Leisure industry, club, modeling, youth, social and cultural activities, students

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