Концепция личностно-ориентированной педагогики

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Рассматривается личностно-ориентированная педагогика, в рамках которой студент находится в центре образовательного процесса, а учитель рассматривается только как источник знаний. Учитель является посредником и наставником в процессе обучения студентов, которые берут ответственность за собственный процесс обучения.

Личностно-ориентированная педагогика, интерактивная педагогика, конструктивизм, основные знания, учебная программа, ориентированная на учащихся, учебная автономия, совместное обучение

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14822440

IDR: 14822440

Список литературы Концепция личностно-ориентированной педагогики

  • Altinyelken,H. Pedagogical renewal in sub-Saharan Africa: The case of Uganda.CoperativeEducation, 2010 Vol.46,No2,pp.151-171.
  • Altinyelken,H. Student-centered pedagogy in Turkey: conceptualizations, interpretations and practices. Journal of Education Plicy, 2011 Vol.26,N0 2,pp.137-160.
  • Applefield,J., Huber,R. and Moallem, Constructivism in theory and practice: toward a better understanding. The Higher School Journal, M.2000/2001Vol.2,pp.35-53.
  • Asefa,Y.M. Literary acquisition in multilingual Eritrea: A comparative study of readings across languages and scripts. 2009 Amsterdam: Aksant Academic Publishers
  • Azzam, A. Why creativity now? A conversation with Sir Ken Robinson. Educational Leadership, 2009.Vol. 67, No.1,pp.22-26.
  • Barrett, A.M. Beyond the polarization of pedagogy: models of classroom practice in Tanzanian primary schools. Comparative Education, 2002. Vol.43,pp.273-294
  • Brodie, K,. Lelliott, A. and Davis, H. 2002. Form and Substance in learner-centered teaching: Teachers' uptake from an in-service program in South Africa. Teaching and teacher Education, 2002. Vol.18, pp.541-559.
  • Chisholm, L.and Leyendecker, R. Curriculum reform in post-1990s sub-Sahara Africa. International journal of Educational Development, 2008.Vol.28.pp.195-205.
  • McNeir, G. Outcome based education. 2006.ERIC digest 85(fill:///D/digests/digest 085. html)
  • Nykiel-Herbert, B. 2004. Mis-constructing knowledge: the case of learner-centered pedagogy in South Africa.Prospects, Vol.42,No.3, pp.249-265.
  • Schweirfurth, M. Learner -centered education in developing country context: from solution to a problem ? International Journal of Educational Development, 2011.Vol.31,pp.425-432.
  • Tabulawa R. Pedagogical classroom and the social context: the case of Botswana. International Journal of Educational Development, 1997.Vol.17, No.2,.pp.189-204.
  • Tabulawa R International aid agencies,learner-centered pedagogy and politcal democratization: A critique.Comparative Education, 2003.Vol39,No.1,pp7-26.
  • Thamraksa,C. Student-centered learning: demystifying the myth. 2003. SILT Vol.12.
  • Vavrus,F. The cultural policies of constructivist pedagogies: Teacher Education reform in the United Republic of Tanzania. International Journal of Educational Development, 2009. Vol.29,No.3, pp. 303-311.
  • Vavrus,F., Thomas, M., and Bartlett, L., Ensuring quality by attending to enquiry: Learner-centered pedagogy in sub-Saharan Africa. UNESCO 2011.
  • Weimer, M. Learner-Centered Teaching:five key changes to practice.John Wiley & Sons,Inc. 2002.
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