Competitiveness of library and information professionals in the labor market: study of the problem

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The article is devoted to the problem of theoretical and methodological principles of competitiveness of library and information professionals in the modern conditions; defined the key concept of “competitiveness of library and information professionals,” which is considered from the point of view of integrity, and reflects components as personal-individual and social-economic levels of the way of formation of competitiveness. The formulated concept takes into account a system of interconnected components, allowing them to build a strategy of competitiveness. There is justified and presented a system of competiveness factors of library and information specialists in today’s labor market. As the proposed classification approach there is suggested macro-, meso-and micro-levels of study of the problem, which together create the foundation for the formation and existence of competitive advantages and represent motivational and behavioral strategies of library staff in the labor market. Criteria and indicators of competitiveness of library and information professionals as a collection of professional and personal qualities and determining the relevance and prestige of the profession in society, as well as the actual and forecasting status of library staff are systematized.


Library and information professionals, competitiveness, terminological analysis, competitive factors, criteria and indicators of competitiveness, labor market, staff members

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IDR: 144160566

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