Competitiveness of the north territories as the factor of their sustainable social and economic development

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The article considers theoretical approaches to assess the competitiveness of the northern territory. Approaches to the assessment of the competitiveness of territories given by the scientists as J.-B. Say, M. Porter are studied. The authors of the article have identified and summarized the main factors affecting the competitiveness of the territory; various approaches to assess and determine the competitiveness of the territories are given. The author's definition of the concept of “territory competitiveness” is proposed, the authors consider the ability to provide sustainable socio-economic development based on the most effective use of human, resource, natural and innovative potential. The article highlights the role of competitive advantages in the sustainable social and economic development of the territorial economy. The peculiarities of the northern territories that can significantly influence their competitiveness are singled out: a high level of costs for economic activities and livelihoods of the population, the existence of vast territories of indigenous peoples of the North, a highly vulnerable unique natural environment requiring a special approach to development. The authors give an example of assessing and realizing the competitive advantages of the northern territories of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in developing a strategy for their long-term sustainable social and economic development that allows us to present the northern territories at the federal level not only as a raw material base of the economy, but also as a springboard for the development of high-tech industries combined with the preservation of a unique natural environment and traditional way of life of the indigenous population, which will increase the attractiveness of the territory for investing not only in the enterprises of the metallurgical and fuel and energy complex, but also in the development of tourism, recreational zones, infrastructure facilities.


Sustainable development, competitive advantages, regional marketing, northern territories, strategy of socio-economic development

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IDR: 147156397   |   DOI: 10.14529/em170403

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