Kontamination ptitseproduktion’s antibiotics in experimental conditions

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In the conditions of experimental medicinal intoxication, at sharp and chronic influence of preparations of tetracycline group (usual and prolonged) on laying hens and broilers level of accumulation of residual quantities of an antibiotic in meat, an offal, broth and eggs of birds is shown.The greatest number of residual quantities of an antibiotic is found at intramuscular introduction in an injection place, and also in eggs of a bird.The reason of the increased accumulation of residual quantities of an antibiotic in bodies and fabrics are the cytotoxic effects arising under the influence of raised medicinal loadings therefore dysfunction of the bodies which are responsible for timely elimination of medicinal xenobiotics from an organism of a bird develops.


Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142198856

IDR: 142198856

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