Krasnoyarsk text of Russian literature: the stages of formation

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Statement of the problem. The article defines the stages of formation of the Krasnoyarsk text of Russian literature, identifies key writers’ names and works that symbolically characterize each of the periods. In the course of the analysis of the local text of the city of Krasnoyarsk, literary strategies and poetics of the presentation of Yenisei Siberia, as well as the capital of the region in Russian literature of the 19th - 20th centuries are studied. The purpose of the article is to identify the key stages of the formation and development of the Krasnoyarsk local text. The methodological basis of the article includes the approaches of V.N. Toporov and V.I. Tyupa, who defined two key directions for the study of local texts; studies by V.V. Abashev and Yu.V. Klochkova, devoted to typologically close to Krasnoyarsk local texts of Perm and Yekaterinburg, works on the literature of Siberia by M.K. Azadovsky, B.A. Chmykhalo, K.V. Anisimov and others. Review of scientific literature on the problem. Special works by I.Yu. Kudinova and V.N. Kalutskov are devoted to understanding the image of Krasnoyarsk, where the city is studied from the standpoint of cultural studies and geography. Research results. The author comes to the conclusion that the Krasnoyarsk text of Russian literature is determined by three main stages of formation. The first stage is associated with the activities of the first Yenisei governor A.P. Stepanov and the publication of the Yenisei Almanac for 1828. The second stage is determined by the visits to Krasnoyarsk by A.P. Chekhov and the heir to the throne Nikolai Alexandrovich in 1890 and 1891 and the works dedicated to these visits. The third stage falls on the Soviet and post-Soviet times. It is marked by the emergence of local literary forces and, above all, the large-scale figure of V.P. Astafyev.


Krasnoyarsk, yenisei, krasnoyarsk text of russian literature, local text, siberian text, a.p. stepanov, a.p. chekhov, v.p. astafyev

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IDR: 144163247   |   DOI: 10.24412/2587-7844-2024-3-82-93

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