Identification criteria of stone age archaeological cultures

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Purpose. In archaeological research in general and Paleolithic studies in particular there is still no consensus about the definition, procedures and criteria for identifying archaeological cultures despite the fact that the history of the term dates back to the XIX century. In Russia, the term «archaeological culture» as a fundamental concept emerged at the beginning of the XX century. Now, the number of the term definitions is huge and, consequently, there exist different criteria for the culture identification. This article presents the main criteria for identification of archaeological cultures adopted in Russian historiography. We exemplify the use of these criteria. The most comprehensive approach to an archaeological culture as a system concept is when researchers take into account system characteristics rather than significance of one particular feature. Such an approach was adhered to by L. S. Klein, I. S. Kamenetzkii, V. P. Lubin, V. A. Ranov, M. V. Anikovich and others. Results. While identifying an archaeological culture, it is necessary to apply a systematic approach, i.e. characterize the whole complex of specific features, such as the characteristics of the primary and secondary knapping, tool kits and in some cases, characteristics of bone industry, settlement activities and symbolic activities of ancient people. Since every archaeological culture is transformed through time, we have to define a common vector of transformation in order to combine a number of separate industries into a single culture. This vector should be expressed in the same trends in the «basic» and the specific characteristics of stone industries. Existence of a particular archaeological culture is defined for a certain period. During this period it is possible to describe different evolutionary stages: origin (appearance) of the archaeological culture, its golden age and its disappearance (attenuation, substitution or radical transformation). It is necessary to make a note that an archaeological culture (or its separate stage) cannot be defined on the basis of unique materials, e.g., on the basis of a single-layered archaeological site. Ideally, we need to analyze several genetically connected multilayered sites with other similar synchronous industries. Conclusion. The criteria described were used to identify the Upper Paleolithic Kulbulakian culture. This culture was identified on the basis of the western Pamir-Tien Shan materials: Kulbulak site (layers 2,2 and 2,1 (excavations 2007-2010.)), Kyzyl-Alma-2, Dodekatym-2 (layers 5-2) and Shugnou (layers 4-1)), which have a chronological, territorial and techno-typological unity, differ from synchronous industries of the neighboring territories and have a common genetic basis and similar (identical) development.


Stone age archaeology, archaeological culture, system approach, criteria of identification, practical application

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IDR: 147219415

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