Crimea: the new page regional cultural studies

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Success of the Crimea's entry into the Russian Federation depended on population, which identified its citizenship and nationality as Russian. The Crimea always was an organic part of Russian national and cultural space. Right now, the main danger for its unity is a discredit of Russian culture in all parts and forms of its existence. The Crimea has the premise of fundamental importance to counteraction of this threat. Firstly, its population is characterized by the highest quality of local or territorial identity. Secondly, its social structure is characterized by unalienated position of population from the regional government. It is possible to say that the Crimea has solved the national idea's problem, which is always the way of required common cause for the necessary future's formation. The problems of cultural development of the Crimea is not only topical, but represents the special interest for contemporary humanitarian knowledge.


National cultural space, local cultural space, national identity, centering of cultural space

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