Cult forms of assistance in the traditional society in Khakassia (veneration of Teses)

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Purpose : The aim - to identify worship forms of assistance and support on the basis of material objects, used in traditional Khakass society. Results : Archaic period of social work differs in that the major subjects of social assistance become kin and community. In the framework of community-generic devices are formed forms of assistance and mutual aid to children, including orphans, women, widows, the elderly, young families, the crippled and the poor. Assistance in the communal-clan could wear and unreal character when helping force endowed with special characters, from which the people were waiting for help in difficult situations. Archaic period of social work is characterized by the existence of religious forms of assistance and support, including on the basis of material objects - fetishes. Analysis of Khakass fetish-teses subject of many works, systematization fetish in terms of helping functions is presented in the article for the first time. Depending on the number of objects of welfare can be identified: individual, family and clan. Khakass teses divided into «clean» and «unclean». Net teses were in the South, the male half of the house (yurt), they were called the great teses and were rewarded sacred horses certain suit, which they protected, ensuring the well-being group owner. Net teses were made by men. Unclean called teses, the location of which was on the North, the female side of the house (yurt), they were the keepers of family well-being, the health of women and children. Net teses on the number of assigned functions are divided into three groups, and the unclean in two. Functional load of the net teses more than impure. Waiting assistance Khakass people from «clean» teses characterized by executing more functions than the «unclean», functional load «clean» teses is aimed mostly outside of the home, they are designed to address a wide range of emerging problems: the patronage of a certain type, a field of activity, age, area, etc. Helps energy «impure» teses directed on the decision of in-home, consumer issues: the protection of the household, the treatment of certain diseases, help women amulet children etc. Conclusion : The analysis of situations of life of the traditional Khakass society, in which the receipt of assistance expected from the various sacred objects, has allowed to classify teses. Teses had a specific focus their functions, they execute solution is quite specific tasks, therefore, a traditional man had a clear idea of what teses should be expected to help in any difficult situation. Teses in addition to assistance in different situations have an educational effect. Veneration, worship teses, their feeding, care about their condition and faith in their vitality teaches Khakass people to responsibility, order. The veneration of material objects - teses shaped them responsible attitude to different activities, family, genus, Khakass ethnic group.


Khakass ethnic group, seok, help, fetish (tes), tribe, assistance

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IDR: 147219141

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