Flight safety culture: psychological and pedagogical actualization of the defining structural components
Автор: Sverchkov A.E.
Журнал: Инновационное развитие профессионального образования @journal-chirpo
Рубрика: Воспитание и социализация личности
Статья в выпуске: 2 (42), 2024 года.
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Based on the theory of flight safety and the doctrine of the human factor within the framework of cultural and personality-oriented approaches, a hypothesis is proposed on the existential correspondence of the content of the personal safety culture of aviation specialists as a specific branch of professional aviation culture to the anthropogenic/human factor - the determining factor in the accident rate in the aviation system. The initial assumption is that any manifestation of the human factor in the aviation system is recurrently interconnected with the safety culture of aviation personnel. The consequence of the hypothesis is the existence of a set of harmonious components of a flight safety culture that ensure an acceptable level of accidents in the aviation system. The functional-structural isomorphism (general functional-structural identity) of the cultural phenomenon allows us to extrapolate the corresponding components of life safety culture into the field of flight safety culture. After clarifying the weight values of the specified components/evaluation criteria in the optimal model, it is planned to implement it in the pedagogical system of forming a personal culture of flight safety among cadets of aviation universities. Systematic analysis of cultural, pedagogical and psychological research, theoretical studies of life safety culture, analytical, statistical and regulatory data and materials on man-made accidents, as well as personal experience of flight service, instructor activities and teaching made it possible to update the optimal practical composition of the interdependent components of flight safety culture: motivational-axiological, activity-technological, personal-heuristic and information-cognitive. A real indicator of a low level of flight safety culture - violations, omissions and errors of aviation personnel occupy a critical amount in the group of average causes of air accidents. In this regard, the relevance of improving the pedagogical system for developing a culture of flight safety among cadets of aviation universities is of key importance in solving the problem of the negative influence of the human factor.
Safety culture, human factor, aviation system, aviation personnel, existential relevance
Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142241914
IDR: 142241914