Cultural and educational tourism: the French trace in Russia

Автор: Gazilov M.G.

Журнал: Сервис plus @servis-plus

Рубрика: Культура и цивилизация

Статья в выпуске: 1 т.18, 2024 года.

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The article is devoted to the problem of positioning French culture in Russia, which has a lot of cultural and educational locations closely related to the French and France. Russians and French have a rich experience of relationships; Russian culture has always been open to dialogue, continuity, and the perception of foreign values. The mutual influence of Russian and French cultures is especially relevant in the period of the worldwide post-globalization conflict, the philosophical and cultural crisis of universal values and contributes to universal progress. The modern world is huge and multifaceted, but at the same time it is small and interdependent. Awareness of the importance of interpenetration and dialogue of cultures, rather than their abolition in the context of the degradation of the European multicultural model, can help overcome the current crisis, eliminate misunderstanding between peoples, as well as create new promising cultural and educational routes during the heyday of domestic tourism in Russia.


Cultural and educational tourism, cooperation between france and Russia, national culture

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IDR: 140304726   |   DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10967935

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