Cultural legacy as an important aspect of modern education

Автор: Beysenov Arman Ziyadenovich, Musayeva Raikhan Serikovna

Журнал: Интеграция образования @edumag-mrsu

Рубрика: Образование и культура

Статья в выпуске: 1 (78), 2015 года.

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A prominent teacher S. I. Hesse believed that the aims and objectives of culture and education are identical. According to his statements, the aim of education is the process of transformation of an ordinary human being into cultural and well-educated one. The current state of this issue is very actual. The achieve-ment of this task in Kazakhstan is implemented in several ways. Firstly, the process of studying and pro-moting cultural heritage is included into the system of education in all its structural elements. Particular attention is paid to extra-curricular activities, visits to cultural institutions, such as museums. Secondly, a particularly important area is the National Strategic Project “Cultural Heritage”, which is also implemented in several ways: reconstruction of historical, cultural and architectural monuments, which are particularly im-portant to national and world culture; organization and carrying out complex scientific research; creation and publication of detailed artistic and scientific series; wide promotion of cultural heritage, complete coverage of monuments, materials and research findings in the activities of museums, conservation areas, in the system of modern education.The best option of monuments of archaeology preservation and promotion is the work of reserve museums. Today, the activity of these structures is associated with the education system. Central Kazakhstan is rich in archaeological monuments, where important events on the study, preservation and promotion of historical and cultural heritage take place. For example, on a number of such objects as Begazy, Sangyru-1, “37 soldiers”, a number of actions to restore took place.


Education, culture, cultural heritage, complex scientific research, architectural monuments

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IDR: 147137094   |   DOI: 10.15507/Inted.078.019.201501.065

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