Language of sports commentaries and how to evaluate IT

Автор: Danica Piršl, Tea Piršl, Esad Beširović

Журнал: Sport Mediji i Biznis @journal-smb

Статья в выпуске: 1 vol.2, 2016 года.

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Aggression or sportsmanship can be learned and reinforced in many different ways. Multfple reasons, rather than a single one, influence such behaviors. Young athletes need positive, appropriate, and constructive role models to teach and reinforce sportsmanship and moral reasoning. The coach is perhaps the most significant person influencing the amount of aggressive or sportsmanlike behaviors displayed in the competitive sport context. It was reported that nine percent of hockey players (N=166) between the ages of 12 to 13 perceived their coaches as approving of hockey violence. The role of referees has also been identified as a significant factor affecting athletes' subsequent behaviors. The role of sports commentaries and the language used should also be observed in order to classify them into objective, judgmental or historical ones, and to attribute them their vital role in sportsmanship development.


Sports commentaries, Aggression, Sports, Role model, Coach

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IDR: 170203693

Список литературы Language of sports commentaries and how to evaluate IT

  • Nucci, C., Young-Shim, K. (2005). Improving socialization through sport: an analytic review of literature on aggression and sportsmanship. The Physical Educator, 62(3). Pp. 123-129.
  • Pagelow, M. D. (1984). Family violence. New York: Praeger.
  • Freischlag, J., Schmidke, C. (1979). Violence in sports: Its causes and some solutions. Physical Educator, 36. Pp. 182-185.
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