Language peculiarities of space description in "The way up to heaven" by R. Dahl

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The article deals with the problem of literary space description on the base of R. Dahl’s story "The way up to heaven". The author interprets the space of the story taking into account the space’s being either close or open, flexible or non-flexible, extending or narrowing, concrete or abstract, finally, its being either static or dynamic The paper also dwells upon the language means used to express the abovementioned characteristics of the space within the framework of the fictional discourse.

Text, concept, space concept, spatial characteristics, interpretation of narration

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IDR: 170187484   |   DOI: 10.24411/2500-1000-2020-10320

Список литературы Language peculiarities of space description in "The way up to heaven" by R. Dahl

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  • Dahl R. The Way Up to Heaven. - [электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: (дата обращения 28.03.2020)
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