Lexical-semantic and stylistic shadeness of poetic synonyms

Автор: Aliyev A.

Журнал: Бюллетень науки и практики @bulletennauki

Рубрика: Филологические науки

Статья в выпуске: 6 т.10, 2024 года.

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Synonyms, as a rule, are distinguished by their unique qualities from other lexical units from the lexical-semantic point of view in the language. So, mainly two aspects attract more attention in this group of words. First, they are close in meaning. Some linguists even call them synonymous, depending on the meaning of the synonym word. On the other hand, synonymy is the diversity of words in terms of form. In addition to the common aspects of synonyms and their main features such as their capacity, processing in a wide aspect, gaining richness, creating comparison, elimination of repetition, nuances of meaning, emotional-expressiveness, each language also has its own characteristics. Based on this issue, the article discusses the general and different aspects of the lexical-semantic composition of synonyms in the artistic language, their poetic figurative functions, and explains each of them separately. In addition, synonymous rows their composition, the structure of these rows, the place of the dominant in the row and its distinguishing features, the function of phraseological units as synonym are explained in detail in the artistic language. Here, at the same time, the essence of synonyms is revealed in the artistic language as a concise, laconic description means, from the variety of images, events, conditions, etc. the emergence of the need to use new synonyms has been clarified. In this regard, the stylistic aspects of synonyms have been highlighted in artistic language. When having a broad conversation based on the stylistic nuances of synonyms in the artistic language, a number of issues that create a specific meaning variety of synonyms within the context, including their juxtaposition, the meaning capacity and breadth of any word in a synonymous line, the pairing of a number of words as synonyms, and the strengthening of meaning in a sentence, increasing harmony, appropriate expression of characters' moods, feelings and emotions, etc. more attention has been paid to such main aspects.


Synonym, lexical semantics, style, imagery

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14130219

IDR: 14130219   |   DOI: 10.33619/2414-2948/103/92

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