Personal of physical education of boys 18-20 years old: rationale for the concept

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Relevance. The formation of personal physical culture of boys 18-20 years old is the basis of active, transformative, socially significant physical activity and human life as a whole. This is an integral part of the successful improvement of a diversely developed personality, both in the field of physical culture and in conjunction with other spheres of life. Knowledge of the essence of personal physical culture of boys 18-20 years old, its basic components will more accurately determine the directions activities for its formation, to develop its in-depth theoretical, methodological and scientific aspects. The solution of this question requires a theoretical analysis, generalization and clarification of the definition of «personal physical culture of young men 18-20 years old», the identification of its components with a view to the subsequent development of a methodology for its formation by means of street types of motor activity. The need to solve this issue determines the relevance of the study. The purpose of the study is to theoretically substantiate the definition of «personal physical culture of boys 18-20 years old». Research methods: literature analysis, structural and functional analysis; logical-deductive analysis, generalization, comparison of concepts, synthesis, method of defining concepts, description, ways of visual representation of data. Outcomes. The analysis of scientific sources made it possible to determine conceptual approaches to the consideration of the problem of personal physical culture, which made it possible to accumulate information and clarify the concept of «personal physical culture of boys 18-20 years old» as an element of the youth subculture, a complex system education characterized by features of the manifestation of a set of its integrative components, including knowledge of aspects of physical development and physical perfection, the formation of motor skills, the desire to maintain normal and improve the physical condition of the body. Theoretically, the leading components of personal physical culture of boys 1820 years old are substantiated: cognitive, axiological, motivational, emotional-volitional, practical. Conclusion. The study complements the ideas about personal physical culture in relation to young men 18-20 years old as an actual phenomenon of the modern youth subculture, which generally expands the theory of physical culture. The installed components can be used to assess the parameters of the formation of personal physical culture of respondents. The information obtained can be used to develop programs for the effective formation of personal physical culture of young people.


Personal physical culture, components of personal physical culture, boys 18-20years old, youth subculture

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142236552   |   DOI: 10.53742/1999-6799/2_2022_56

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