Liminal plot in Alexander Bashlachev’s lyrics: structure and semantics

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The work is devoted to the analysis of Bashlachev's early poem “Razlyuli-raspberry” in projection onto the motive-figurative system of mature works. The article proves that the humorous student poem contains an existential plot that is most important for Bashlachev's later poetry, revealed in the poet's key texts (“Funeral of the Jester”, “The Mill”, “Egorkin's epic”, “Vanyusha”, etc.). The article identifies the subcorpus of texts where this plot is implemented, identifies its motive components, analyzes the principles of their distribution across texts, and identifies the semantic core of the plot and its “periphery”. It is shown that in the analyzed subcorpus of texts elements of plot unity gravitate towards semantic “gluing”: they are repeated as “motif-shaped” clusters, within which individual motives are connected. This fact made it possible to put forward the assumption that the songs of the subcorpus have their structural prototype in the poem “Razlyuli-raspber-ry”. It was proven that Bashlachev, while maintaining the structural basis of the plot, in different texts gives it different axiological interpretations, the spectrum of which varies from comic-parody (as in the text “Razlyuli-rasp-berry”) to tragic (as in the ballads “Egorkina epic” and “Vanyusha”). This fact made it possible to take a fresh look at the specifics of the evolution of Bashlachev's lyrics, which presupposes the constancy of the plot with a dynamic change in the author's assessment. Thus, in the selected set of texts, it is not the evolution of the plot that is recorded, but the evolution of the author's attitude to what the plot reflects. The semantic core of the analyzed plot unity made it possible to identify the analyzed plot as liminal. It was shown that the semantic complex of liminality is implemented in all texts of the subcorpus, affecting both spatial and subjective levels.


Liminal plot, rock poetry, structure of the lyrical plot, author's myth

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IDR: 149146745

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