Linguistic plurality of languages in Russian education system

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This article is a conceptual piece reviewing and problematizing various perspectives to language education in Russia with a particular attention paid to the case of Tatar language. A general overview of the existing literature will be presented highlighting the situation with the minority language in Russia, comparing and contrasting it with the English language education. After providing the background of English and minority language instruction in Russia, the authors zoom in on the case of Tatarstan, to explore the workings of the discourses on identity and education in a multilingual region, where teaching of English goes along with the teaching of national (Russian) and regional (Tatar) languages. Lastly, the discussion and conclusion summarize the current vision of the interaction between Tatar, Russian, and English languages. It also proposes directions to further exploit the topic in order to serve the needs of multilingual students in a wide range of similar multilingual contexts, to seek ways towards maintaining the plurality of languages and strengthening the linguistic diversity of the world.


Language policy, language learning, multilingualism, tatar language, russian language, english language

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IDR: 148322838   |   DOI: 10.25586/RNU.V925X.21.03.P.036

Список литературы Linguistic plurality of languages in Russian education system

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