Linguacultural peculiarities of Universe concept in different language picture of the world (on the materials of the translation from Kyrgyz into Russian/English)

Автор: Turgunova Gulmira

Журнал: Бюллетень науки и практики @bulletennauki

Рубрика: Филологические науки

Статья в выпуске: 2 т.8, 2022 года.

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He relevance of research : The Universe concept as a macroconcept has a number of linguocultural features in the language pictures of the world and it is of great interest for different systems language’s translation. The research objectives are to identify the linguoculturological features of the Universe concept in the Kyrgyz and Russian/English languages, based on the etymological origin of the Universe concept; analyze their transmissions in different system languages. The research materials and methods are based on etymological and explanatory dictionaries, in folklore and fiction materials on different languages of the world, especially in Kyrgyz and Russian/English. Research results: finding out the interesting facts of the coincidence and inconsistency of the Universe macroconcept, and the features of the Kyrgyz linguoculturological linguistics in determining the Universe concept, which includes the inner world of a person as part of Big Universe. Conclusions : The term Universe in different linguistic pictures of the world is interpreted differently, but the conceptual core of the Universe concept revolves around the system of a single world of creation, which mankind has not been able to fully explore until now.


Term, universe, world, concept, motivating signs, linguacultural peculiarities, microconcept, inner world of a person

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14122916   |   DOI: 10.33619/2414-2948/75/43

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