Low-Carbon Development of the North of Western Siberia: Climate Projects Based on Natural Solutions

Автор: Boldyreva N.B., Reshetnikova L.G., Zherebyatyeva N.V., Devyatkov A.P., Ovechkin D.V.

Журнал: Arctic and North @arctic-and-north

Рубрика: Social and economic development

Статья в выпуске: 56, 2024 года.

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Active anthropogenic activity is one of the main causes of serious environmental problems that hinder the development of the Arctic zone of Western Siberia — the most important resource potential of the country. The implementation of climate projects based on natural solutions is one of the areas of environmentally oriented economic growth. The formation and development of sequestration business is possible if there are conditions ensuring its economic efficiency. The article estimates the costs of absorbing of 1 ton of greenhouse gases during the implementation of climate projects in the northern taiga of Western Siberia. To achieve the goal, the predicted values of carbon sequestered from the atmosphere were calculated for different project scenarios. The CO2 effect was measured and the costs of carbon sequestration by tree and shrub communities of willow, alder and pine were analyzed. Alder monocultures showed the largest volumes of CO2 uptake and the lowest costs per carbon unit according to the carbon discounting model. CO2 duration analysis shows the sensitivity of the cost per carbon unit of a climate project based on alder monocultures to changes in the discount rate. The break-even price of a carbon unit is substantiated, which allows comparing it with the market price and drawing conclusions about the economic efficiency of the climate project on carbon sequestration. The study results provide practical recommendations for making decisions about investing in nature-based climate projects for low-carbon development in northern Western Siberia. The methodological approaches disclosed in the article can be used in other regions of Russia.


Greenhouse gases, north of Western Siberia, climate project, sustainable development, environmental protection

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148329541

IDR: 148329541   |   DOI: 10.37482/issn2221-2698.2024.56.112

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