56, 2024 - Arctic and North
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IDS: 148329536 Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148329536
Содержание выпуска 56, 2024 Arctic and North
Social and economic development
Agarkov S.A., Ivanova M.V.
Spatial Aspects of Sustainable Development of Arctic Fuel-Energy Resources in the New World Order: Global Challenges and Solutions
Krasilnikov A.S.
Legislative Aspects of Creative Industries Development in the Regions of the Russian Arctic (On the Example of the Murmansk Oblast)
Kuznetsova M.N., Vasilyeva A.S.
Transport Infrastructure of the Western and Central Arctic Regions of the Russian Federation: Analysis and Prospects
Golovina T.A., Matveev V.V., Avdeeva I.L.
Development of Instruments of State Support for ESG Projects in the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation
Boldyreva N.B., Reshetnikova L.G., Zherebyatyeva N.V., Devyatkov A.P., Ovechkin D.V.
Low-Carbon Development of the North of Western Siberia: Climate Projects Based on Natural Solutions
Levina A.I., Dubgorn A.S., Fadeev A.M., Kalyazina S.E.
Digital and Logistical Infrastructures of the Arctic Zone: Current State of Research and Ways of Development
Northern and arctic societies
Barbaruk Y.V.
Reproductive Behavior and Reproductive Attitudes of Women of Middle and Late Childbearing Age in the Far North (On the Example of the Magadan Oblast)
Maksimov A.M.
Factors of Social Resilience of Arctic Rural Communities in Modern Russia (On the Materials of Coastal and Island Territories of the Arkhangelsk Oblast)
Samarina V.P., Skufina T.P., Serova N.A., Yakovchuk A.A.
Quality of Life of the Murmansk Oblast Population: Subjective Assessments and Objective Characteristics
Afonicheva K.V., Kasparov Ed.V., Marchenko I.V., Smolnikova M.V.
Polymorphic Variants of Cytokine Genes in Populations of the Arctic Zone of Russia: Predisposition to Diseases
Reviews and reports
Aleksushin G.V.
Russian Diesel Icebreaker Fleet and Its Place in the Economic Development of the North
Terebikhin N.N., Melyutina M.N., Yakovleva A.V.
Institute of Mentoring in the Socio-Cultural Space of the Russian North and the Russian Arctic: Traditions and Innovations
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