Main approaches to assessing the scale of settlement of Russian-speaking population abroad
Автор: Vorobieva O.D., Subbotin A.A., Mishchuk S.N.
Журнал: Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast @volnc-esc-en
Рубрика: Social and economic development
Статья в выпуске: 5 т.17, 2024 года.
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Russian diaspora is one of the largest in the world and, according to various sources, includes from 10 to 40 million expatriates. It has been forming since the 18th-19th century during periods of unrest, wars and political change. Natural decline of Russian population, reduction in the migration growth of the population of Russia, and changes in ethnic composition determine the need and relevance of assessing the scale of the country’s repatriation potential. The aim of the work is to analyze existing data sources and approaches to estimating the number of Russian-speaking population and to identify the countries in which it is concentrated, for subsequent assessment of Russia’s repatriation potential. The article presents main approaches to identifying Russian expatriates, estimates the number and describes the geographical distribution of Russian-speaking communities abroad. The interpretations of such widely used concepts as “emigrants”, “diaspora”, “compatriots” and “Russian-speaking communities” are considered in detail and comprehensively, as well as the specifics of their definition and statistical accounting. We use data from the United Nations, national statistical services of various countries, and expert assessments. The data presented emphasize the importance of Russian-speaking communities in the context of globalization and international migration. The article provides statistics on international migration flows from Russia, including an analysis by country of residence and the dynamics of the number of emigrants since 1990. We discuss differences in migration statistics presented in Russian and foreign sources, methods of determining the basis (by place of birth, by ethnic origin), as well as new forms of emigration, including labor emigration and episodic emigration. The analysis of the territorial distribution of Russian-speaking communities shows their geographical diversity with significant presence in Russia’s neighboring countries (Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan) and in other regions, including North America (USA, Canada), Europe (Germany, France, Baltic countries), and the Middle East (Israel, Turkiye, UAE). The findings of our research can be useful in the development of state migration policy and assessment of geopolitical implications of migration processes, including the repatriation potential of the Russian Federation.
Russian expatriate community, emigration, diaspora, compatriots, russian-speaking communities, migration statistics, globalization, international migration
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 147245879 | DOI: 10.15838/esc.2024.5.95.12
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