5 т.17, 2024 - Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast
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Содержание выпуска 5 т.17, 2024 Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast
Ilyin V.A., Morev M.V.
Special military operation and the internal mobilization of society and elites
Public administration
Shabunova A.A., Kroshilin S.V., Yarasheva A.V., Medvedeva E.I.
Socio-economic indicators of Russia’s national development goals: trends and forecast
Regional economy
Bobkov V.N., Gubarev R.V., Dzyuba E.I., Fayzullin F.S.
Assessment of interregional inequality in the Russian Federation based on the index of social well-being of the population
Sekushina I.A.
Small and medium-sized single-industry towns of the European North of Russia in the context of socio-economic challenges of 2020-2023
Branch-wise economy
Koroleva E.A.
On the prospects of applying strategic planning for effective development of small and medium-sized entrepreneurship sector
Public finance
Loktionova A.A., Lavrinenko P.A., Mirzoyan A.G., Loktionova O.A.
The impact of political news about Russia on the prices of Russian companies’ shares: comparative analysis of Russian and foreign media
Science, technology and innovation development
Domnich Ye.L.
The specific structure and regional proportions of innovation costs in the Russian economy
Theoretical and methodological issues
Prokopyev E.A., Kurilo A.E., Gubina O.V., Shlapeko E.A.
Technique for assessing the digital divide based on the engagement index on VKontakte social media platform
Social and economic development
Smoleva E.O., Kosygina K.E.
Development of small cities: from individual trajectories to strategic planning
Sokolova A.A.
Regulating return labor migration in the 21st century: foreign experience and Russian practice
Vorobieva O.D., Subbotin A.A., Mishchuk S.N.
Main approaches to assessing the scale of settlement of Russian-speaking population abroad
Tonkikh N.V., Kamarova T.A., Markova T.L.
Sustainability of digital and non-digital forms of employment: comparative assessments
Global experience
Fan B., Wang Yu., Ying W., Ma C., Liu J.
The role of entrepreneurship in raising the level of relative income and subjective well-being of farmers in China
Spatial development monitoring
Uskova T.V., Kozhevnikov S.A., Patrakova S.S.
Trends in the spatial development of regions in the northwest of Russia in the 21st century
Public opinion monitoring
Kosygina K.E., Bakhvalova I.M.
The monitoring of public opinion on the state of the Russian society
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