Mathematical model of an ac diesel generator with static load
Автор: Odinaev V.A., Shigapov I.I., Dolgov V.A., Saskov K.G.
Рубрика: Математика
Статья в выпуске: 4 т.16, 2024 года.
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The solution to the problem of technical diagnostics of the state of power plants on board surface ships and non-nuclear submarines requires the use of portable diagnostic systems. Their key element is a mathematical model of a diesel generator. The paper presents a comprehensive mathematical model of a diesel generator as a result of combining mathematical models of a diesel engine and a synchronous generator. The operation of a diesel engine is modeled on the basis of an aggregated basic mathematical model of a marine internal combustion engine, implemented on the example of a diesel generator plant of a non-nuclear submarine. The mathematical model of a synchronous generator is implemented by a system of differential equations taking into account the design features of a single generator. It allows calculating estimates of the reference characteristics of serviceable diesel generators in specified external conditions and operating modes and simulating typical faults. The use of the developed mathematical model makes it possible to obtain a quantitative estimate and categorize the technical condition of a diesel generator based on the analysis of deviations of actual values of diagnostic parameters from the reference values, reduced to the current parameters of the mode and external operating conditions. It also helps simulate possible faults of the diagnostic object to predict the technical condition and risks of deviation from the normal operating mode. The modeling results are the basis for the automated formation of recommendations for the operation, maintenance and repair of diesel generators used in power plants of surface ships and non-nuclear submarines.
Marine power equipment, synchronous generator, mathematical model of the generator, diesel generator, digital diagnostic complex
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 147246007 | DOI: 10.14529/mmph240407