Mathematical and algorithmic modeling of a complex medical and social integral indicator for agricultural workers

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Qualitative and quantitative assessment of the health status of workers in the agro-industrial complex is an important and urgent task. When developing a methodology for calculating the probability of an employee losing ability to work depending on the state of working conditions in the workplace, it was shown that in the context of solving problems of assessing the impact of working conditions on the health of a worker, including in procedures for assessing occupational risk, the probability of loss of ability to work is not nothing more than a quantitative assessment of the probability of developing an occupational disease or work-related injury in specific working conditions, which, at first glance, could be characterized by indicators of the frequency of occupational diseases and injuries taking into account working conditions. A survey of the health status of agricultural workers was conducted at local departments of city clinics. To collect information about patients, we used the “Health Questionnaire”, which, by decision of the World Health Organization, introduced a questionnaire about the patient’s health in all medical institutions. 156 questionnaires were collected and analyzed. At the first stage of information processing, the structure of medical and social characteristics of agricultural workers was studied. At the second stage, the a priori ranking method was used, which uses expert information to rank each attribute value. During the study, the scores necessary for the subsequent calculation of a complex integral medical and social health indicator were calculated. The results of the study indicate the presence of a negative trend in the dynamics of the health status of agricultural workers, which is primarily associated with poor nutrition, lack of physical activity, self-medication, and rare visits to medical specialists. In this regard, important tasks are, first of all, the development and implementation of preventive, treatment and rehabilitation technologies and priority programs in the work of agro-industrial enterprises, in particular, the rational organization of nutrition in agro-industrial enterprises, optimization of the motor regime.


Integral indicator, rehabilitation potential, a priori ranking, expert assessment, point estimates, coefficient of concordance

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IDR: 140304434   |   DOI: 10.20914/2310-1202-2023-4-109-114

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