Mathematical support for hierarchical digital control of a complex technological object

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The paper investigates the synthesis of mathematical support for hierarchical digital control of a complex technological object based on universal controllers with flexible programming. In order to overcome the limitations on the performance of controllers operating in real time, with the complexity of control laws and the expansion of the classes of controlled objects, controllers can be divided into strategic, tactical and functional-logical hierarchical levels. The authors define the functions and construct the algorithms for processing data by the controllers of each hierarchical level. The coordinated functioning of the digital control system under study is reduced to the exchange of data between controllers of different levels, carried out programmatically, equally for controllers of all levels. The authors obtain the dependencies for calculating the estimate of the restart period of control programs operating on the Hamiltonian cycle, and the data transmission delay for the case when the proportional-integral-differentiative regulator algorithm is implemented on the controllers of the tactical and functional-logical levels. The paper highlights the features of controlling the operating modes of the controllers of the tactical and functional-logical levels due to the implementation of a neural network at the strategic level.


Digital control, control system, hierarchical control levels, controller with flexible programming, hamiltonian cycle, semi-markov process, neural network

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147246005   |   DOI: 10.14529/mmph240406

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