Metabolic risk factors and urinary stone formation. Study IV: prediction of the chemical composition of the stone in vivo according to metabolic parameters

Автор: Golovanov S.A., Sivkov A.V., Prosyannikov M.Yu., Drozhzheva V.V.

Журнал: Экспериментальная и клиническая урология @ecuro

Рубрика: Мочекаменная болезнь

Статья в выпуске: 4, 2018 года.

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Introduction. Chemical composition of the urinary stone, that is, of its metabolic type, are of great importance for the choice of both invasive methods of treatment of urolithiasis and methods of stone recurrence prevention. However, urinary stones are not always available for analysis, which makes it difficult to select the best treatment methods and leads us to the need to find methods for assessing the chemical composition of patient urinary stones in a patient in vivo. One of the search directions is a comprehensive analysis of lithogenic metabolic factors, the long-term effect of which leads to the urinary stone formation. Goal. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the possibility of some machine learning algorithms in predicting the metabolic type of urinary calculi in vivo in a set of metabolic parameters. Material and methods. The mineral composition of 708 urinary calculi (from 305 men and 403 women aged 16 to 81 years), as well as biochemical parameters of blood serum (calcium, uric acid, phosphates, magnesium) and daily excretion in urine of calcium, uric acid, phosphates, magnesium...


Urolithiasis, metabolism, computer modeling, prediction of the chemical composition of stones

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IDR: 142216910

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