Discourse words as a sign of a self-correction in a colloquial speech

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The present research focuses on the peculiarities of discourse words functioning in colloquial self-correction. The author analyzes discourse elements within semantic and pragmatic aspects and explores their functions in a limited context - self-correction construction. Self-correction of speech is a phenomenon when speaker replaces of one word, word combination or other linguistic element by another, because he/she estimates the word/word combination/sentence he/she used as not correct, appropriate or standard. Speaker corrects that which is being corrected to make his/her own speech good, clear for listener. In a structural aspect self-correction is a double denotation of the same situation. Components of self-correction (original word & repair) have 3 types of semantic correlation: 1) exclude one another, when only second word accords to the plan of speech and speaker “cancels” the first word and replaces it with a correct one; 2) complete one another, when the speaker estimates his/her speech behavior as unsatisfactory in terms of information content, so pragmatic aim of the speaker in this case is to add; 3) semantically identical, when first nomination contains sufficient information, but is estimated by speaker as inappropriate or unfamiliar for listener, so pragmatic aim of the speaker is to translate, or to interpret. In some cases self-correction is characterized by hesitation, pausing, but especially correction construction is organized by the use of special words - discourse words. In this study, the author makes an attempt to describe the groups of discourse words, organazing self-correction. First group consists of conjunctions and modal words, which have meanings of explanation, interpretation, illustration, addition, negation. Which discourse element is used depends on the type of relation between original word & repair: mutual exclusion (negative, partitive, adversative conjunctions, some modal words), addition (correcting modal words), semantic identity (interpreting conjunctions). Second group consists of asemantic words (some colloquial particles and interjections). Particles occur when the speaker cannot quite recall an appropriate word but can recall words of similar form and meaning (“tip of tongue” phenomenon) [R. Brown and D. McNeill, 1966]. Some particles signal that the search of the word is completed. If speech trouble is detected quickly by the speaker it is signaled by the use of interjections. Third group consists of comments, characterizing utterance in terms of source of information, validity of it's contain. In some cases speaker try to explain his/her speech behavior (self-correction) or apology for the speech trouble. Its not only repair sings for listener, speaker use those elements to get over speech trouble. Discourse elements used in self-correction construction are units of different linguistic nature, but such elements have a common feature: all those components manifest monitoring of one's own speech and provide speakers and listener interaction. The research was conducted on the basis of spontaneous Russian oral speech.


Colloquial speech, speech reflection, speakers and hearer interaction, self-correction, discourse words

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147219859

IDR: 147219859   |   DOI: 10.25205/1818-7919-2017-16-9-65-75

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