The method of projects as a way of organizing targeted distance learning in a technical university

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The presented article is devoted to the problems of distance learning in the target areas. The article discusses in detail the problems of university distance education. By distance learning in this article, we will understand learning with the help of information technology. Distance learning is defined differently by different authors. With such training, the teacher perceives the students as an impersonal mass and has no way to assess the degree of understanding of the proposed material. The main purpose of the study was to consider distance learning for students who entered the university in the target areas of various divisions of the Russian Railway. The authors of the article consider the problems of distance learning of students in target areas at the Samara State University of Railways on the example of teaching higher mathematics. One of the methods of organizing targeted university distance learning is proposed, the project method. With the help of the project method, we propose to solve professionally oriented tasks when teaching students in the target areas in the course of higher mathematics. It is this format of education that is most promising. The approbation of this approach to teaching target students in a distance format has shown the effectiveness of the proposed teaching method.


Distance learning, targeted training, project method

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148326954   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2023-25-92-17-23

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