Methodical aspects of teaching conventional and decorative painting in higher education institution

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In the article some methodical features of the subject "Painting" teaching in the course of future specialists training in "Architecture" and "Design" training program are given. Special attention is paid to conventional and decorative painting, technique on the example of one of the educational program tasks. The purpose of the article is the need to formulate the basic principles of the picture plane organization on the example of still life treated in the style of painters of the late XIX - early XX centuries. Conclusion: having rethought the studied material students created new works using stylistics of the master, introducing in the work author''s vision of the XXI century modern person. Several examples of 2 year students’ works of the training program "Architecture" and "Design" are presented in the article. The results of work were presented at an exhibition of the best students’ works in showroom TSHR in Shopping Center "Europe", Samara. It once again confirms the value of art and creative interpretation of great heritage of the past.


Art convention, decorative painting, color reference, still life, artistic device, structural design, collage

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ID: 148102580
