Methodological approaches to assessing the efficiency of the integration units

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The article examines the scientific and methodological apparatus assessment, built on the basis of the categories of «effectiveness» and «optimality», will allow, on the one hand, to establish the efficiency of functioning of associations in prior periods, on the other - to identify the parameters conditioning condition and results of integrated production in the future. Taking into account the results of these studies, we developed a methodology of integrated assessment of efficiency of functioning of the agro-industrial units. Its essence consists in the determination of the integral coefficient of efficiency on the basis of two complementary groups of settings: performance, expressed in the system of relative indicators, and optimality, the quantitative characteristics of which used the limit values. As the distinctive features of the proposed methodology, determining its scientific novelty and practical significance, it should be noted: enabling the assessment of the effectiveness in using existing and advanced involved in production resources; the use of a unified system of criteria and performance measures and to determine the level of optimality of meat production, built in accordance with the sequence of stages of the reproduction process; universality settlement mechanism, used for the analysis of efficiency of managing the links of the production chain (agriculture, processing, trade) and overall integration. The technique involves the execution of the aggregate calculation and analytical operations, grouped by us in the framework of interrelated stages. The result can be identified priority directions of development of the Association, the necessity to optimize the composition of participants and proportions of the process chain, development and implementation of innovative programs, development of new technologies and management methods.


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IDR: 14040201

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